Steve Metzger

Steve was a major force in the Whirlwinds club.  When I joined he was the President and a voice to be reckoned with.   He loved flying and building and helping teach others.   He was very good at giving demonstrations at the meetings.   Sometimes after flying or meetings a small group of us would go to a local restaurants for something to eat, a few drinks, and lots of stories.   Those were great times.   Unfortunately we lost Steve due to complications from his Bone Cancer treatments.

Steve with his pylon racer
Dan loved flying anything and everything

Dan VanDyke

Dan was an accomplished flyer, not only in RC planes and helicopters, but was also one of Whirlpools jet pilots flying executives all over the world.  Unfortunately, we lost both Dan and Rick Hannah in an accident on I-94 near the Gary exit when a semi hit them from behind.  Dan was a great guy and I loved having his as a neighbor.  

Jim McElroy

We lost Jim in early 2020 from kidney failure.   Jim had a long career in designing and selling mining equipment accross the U.S.   He loved building and flying models from scratch.   His patience was astounding.   He spent hours trying to get some of his really old little engines to even start.   I would have ripped them off the plane and thrown as far into the woods as possible.    We also enjoyed helping his grandson Tanner learn to fly.   Jim also loved playing Bridge and gardening in his back yard.   

Jim liked building from plans. but always stayed with smaller planes.
Will at the Sawyer field flying one of his warbirds

Will Barrett

Will served as President of the club.   Will like building warbirds.  His wife Nancy frequently came to the field with him.  On my very first trip to the Sawyer field with a plane after joining the club, Will was there and said he was an expert flyer and suggested I let him do the maiden flight so he could get it flying perfectly for me.   I let him.  He flew it directly into the shed and destroyed it.   

Chuck Adinolfi

Chuck loved flying and music.  He was a devoted husband to his wife Betty and took very good care of her until his death.   He was always willing to help anyone.   He laid down to take a nap and never woke up.

Chuck getting ready to take off with his electric foamy
Frank sitting at funfly at Sawyer field.

Frank Cupp

Frank was a B-24 pilot in World War II.   He was in his 90’s when I joined the club and had already retired from flying, but like to still come out and watch.   I enjoyed listening to his stories from his experiences in the war.  Sadly this was the last time I saw him.  Here he is talking with Ron Ginani, while Wes listens.   These two were real characters, with a million stories between them.